
Our Story

At Tail Ovation we know how important our pets are in our lives and what they mean to us. Our mission is to help magnify the joy, passion, excitement and adventure between pets and their pet parents. Happy pets mean a whole lot of tail ovations and a lot of happy pet parents. To help achieve this mission we aim to provide reliable pet information to dedicated pet parents so that they are empowered to best care for their beloved pets. We also provide pet products for pet health and happiness.

Tails up to that!

Our Team

We are a small family run business, and our founder Brett the Vet has more than 20 years experience in the animal health industry. Taking up the lead role at Tail Ovation, is our Chief Pet Officer, Shongi. He is a 2 year old Moodle (maltese x poodle). He oversees the business, making sure we provide useful pet information and effective pet products to help develop confident pet parents and happy, healthy pets.


CHief Pet Officer

If you would like to reach out to Shongi with any comments or suggestions for new products or pet information please drop him a message:

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What exactly is a Tail Ovation?

Shongi explains here:

"First let's define what a standing ovation is......according to the Oxford dictionary a standing ovation is a period of prolonged applause during which the crowd or audience rise to their feet.

According to Shongi, it naturally follows then, that a tail ovation is an enthusiastic appreciation and joy shown by a pet such as when the tail wags (e.g. dogs) and/or elevates (e.g. cats).

Empowered, confident and dedicated pet parents means happy, healthy pets and that means lots and lots of Tail Ovations!

Tails up to that!
